【同义词辨析】 2017-07-06 照看tend-watch

tend: suggests the need for constant or recurring attention: a shepherd ~ing his flock.     (tend照看照料to give attention to, take care of,又如please tend the store while I'm away我不在时请照看店铺,如well-tended gardens照料良好的花园,tending his business照料他的生意)    照看羊群的牧羊人

attend: is more likely to stress a taking charge and is, therefore, appropriate when a professional service or skilled activity is involved: the doctor who ~ed his mother.  take charge of主管负责,如he is in charge of the school work他负责学校工作) 又如each nurse attends 15 patients每位护士照料15位病人 本例doctor和his应是两个人  professional专业的,使用较随意,我们不对professional作辨析

mind: otherwise close to tend, distinctively suggests a guarding or protecting from injury or harm or failure: a neighbor who ~s their children after school.    又如who is minding the children/office谁在照看(照料照顾)小孩/办公室?   guard保安保镖表示时刻警惕的保护implies a protecting with vigilance and force against expected danger,如guard the White House为白宫提供安保,如body guard保镖

watch: often close to mind, may imply a more constant or more professional relationship or suggest an actual need to forestall danger: a guard hired to ~ the store at night.   forestall预先阻止先发制人to prevent in advance, 如谚语to forestall is better than to amend其补救于已然,不如防患于未然=prevention is better than cure)  如派生词watchful警觉的,如played under the watchful eyes of their mothers在母亲警觉的双眼下玩耍;如美国总统说不会允许某事在自己眼皮底下发生under his watch

tend照看照料: 表示持续关注照料,attend也是照看照料: 但强调负责,具有专业技术,mind也是照看照料: 表示看守保护防止意外伤害,watch看守: 同上,更警惕,也更专业

记忆方法:1)首字母TAMW想成A TaiWan Man一个台湾人<==需要照看


          3)照看的意思是看管照看mean to take charge of or look after someone or something.首字母TAMW想成A TaiWan Man一个台湾人<==需要照看